Reviews of The Jar of Dreams

After twenty-two years of writing it is always nice to hear from readers who enjoy The Jar of Dreams. As part of the publishing journey, I have shared The Jar of Dreams with publishers, literary agents, librarians, school teachers and book clubs. Here are some of their reviews.

Image of a sail boat sailing through the treacherous channel in the ocean of zalpaz known as hell's needles. Behind the boat is a huge wave rushing towards it, trying to swallow it up.

"You'll love losing yourself in this rich, wonderfully inventive, epic tale."

Brandon VanOver. Penguin Random House

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Image of a huge cave with a natural stone tower in the centre. A number of paths lead to the base of the tower, light up by large lanterns.

"I couldn’t put it down. I felt as if I was alongside Tarun as he stepped out on his epic adventure to reclaim his dreams. Read it, you’ll love it!"

Kelly Black. Journalist

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An illustration of Zaria, the shaman. She has a shaven head, amber paint from her head to her neck and is carrying a thin stick with wooden beads attached.

"I woke up yesterday morning and am yearning for more. You’ve taken me on a journey similar to when I read The Alchemist, Shantaram and Siddhartha."

Dominic Quartuccio. Author

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Image of Malakhiim, the devourer of dreams, holding a jar of dreams. Around Malakhiim are moutains and above him a black starry sky.

"Wow. I don’t want to say anything else for fear words will do it an injustice, but wow. Comparable with some of the greatest books I’ve read!"

Emily Houlahan

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Image of Tarun swimming under water surrounded by green spirits that look like jelly fish with shining tentacles.

"This is the most wonderful book about the joy of living our dreams. The story is as powerful and as rich as Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist."

Mo Macrae. Film Director

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Dibou, an old man with a bald head, large beard and long, curled moustache. Dibou has a small black bird on his fingers.

"Love this extraordinary story of self-awareness and discovery. Simply beautiful."

Jane Ogilvie

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Illustration of a storm demon. A black cloud with fiery red eyes and mouth and lightning coming from its body.

"A journey of courage and of heart. A novel you will remember where and when you read it."

Kristina Freeman. Educator

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Image of a thin pathway leading to imposing cliffs.

"A magical, epic read full of twists and turns. I rode alongside Tarun as he took his amazing journey."

Carrie Tengler-Stuart. Educator

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  • "Each sentence transported me far, far away to distant places and realms, evoking childhood memories, as I became part of Tarun’s adventure."

    Tim Bid. Educator

  • "Inspiring story and we just wanted the journey to continue!!"

    David Cordover. Educator

  • "Read it, it’s ageless. You’ll love it.“

    Nayeli Brancaccio

  • "Magnificent… outstanding… love it!!!”

    Rakhee Dodhia

  • "The Jar of Dreams is even better than Harry Potter. I loved it!" 

    Tom Flemming